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SUSTABOL 300, (Testosteron Mix) European Pharmaceutical, 3000 MG/10ML


SUSTABOL 300, Testosteron Mix 3000 MG/10ML, European Pharmaceutical

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    SUSTABOL 300, Testosteron Mix 3000 MG/10ML, European Pharmaceutical


    SUSTABOL 300 , Buy SUSTABOL 300 


    Generic name: SUSTABOL 300

    Active ingredient: testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate, testosterone decanoate. 


    SUSTABOL 300 is an oil-based injectable injection containing 4 different testosterone compounds: testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60mg; as well testosterone decanoate, 100 mg. 


    SUSTABOL 300 Usage: 

    This drug is a blend of four testosterone esters: testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. These esters make this remedy one of the longest-lasting steroid compounds available today. SUSTABOL 300 is an best component for growing on size also growing muscle strength. Thus, bodybuilders ordinarily take it to grow on muscle also size while increasing strength. 

    Testosterone will stimulate both mass putting also fat loss. It sends a message to muscle cells to keep more contractile protein (named actin also myosin), therefore forcing your muscles add. It as well protects your muscles from catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones. 


    SUSTABOL 300 Other Indications: 

    Testosterone replacement treatment in male hypo-gonadal difficulties, for example: 

    - after castration; 

    - eunuchoidism; 

    - hypopituitarism; 

    - endocrine impotence; 

    - man climacteric symptoms like minim libido; 

    - certain forms of infertility due to troubles of spermatogenesis. 


    Testosterone management may as well be indicated for the prevention also management of osteoporosis in hypo-gonadal men. 

    Testosterone taking may as well be priscribed as supportive treatment for female-to-male transsexuals. 


    SUSTABOL 300 Measure: 

    In common, dosing must be adjusted according to the response of the every patient. 

    Frequently, one injection of 1 mL every four weeks is sufficient. 

    SUSTABOL 300 is also effective when relatively minim quantities are given to well advanced athletes. It is important to note that when this remedy is given to athletes who have already taken SUSTABOL 300 in the same or lower measures, it reaches to identical high reply as during the previous intake. SUSTABOL 300 is regularly administrate at least 1 per week, which can be stretched up to 10 days. The dose in bodybuilding as well powerlifting ranges from 250 mg every 14 days up to 1000 mg or more each day. Since such high dosages are not suggested and fortunately are also not administrated in most of cases; the rule is 250-1000 mg week by week. A dosing of 500 mg per week is totally satisfactory for most, as well may often be reduced to 250 mg/week by combining it with an oral steroid. Sustamed (Sustanon) is well tolerated as a basic steroid during management which activates the regeneration, gives the athlete a enough "kick" for intense exercise units, and next to the already named advantage of fast power growing also firm bulk advance distinguishes itself also by its compatibility. In order to add mass fast this medication is often combined with Deca Durabolin, Dianabol or Anadrol while sportsmen who are more into quality prefer unite this drug with Parabolan, Winstrol, Oxandrolone or Primobolan. 


    Measure for other usage of SUSTABOL 300: 

    In general, quantity has to be adjusted to the separate result of the patient. 


    Typically, 1 injection of 1ml everey three weeks is sufficient. 


    It should be noted that smaller and less regular quantities may achieve the equivalent reaction. 

    Women-to-male transsexuals: 

    Diverse specialist centers have used quantities varying from 1 injection of 1ml every two weeks to 1 injection of 1ml every four weeks. 


    How must SUSTABOL 300 be took? 

    SUSTABOL 300 has to be administered by deep intramuscular injection. 



    Known or supposed prostatic or breast carcinoma; 



    Alergy to the active ingredient or to any of the excipients of this medication. 



    Middle-aged as well as geriatric men with angina pectoris or different severe circulatory disorder has to take androgen treatment only under very vigilant supervision. 

    Patients with latent or overt cardiac failure, renal diorder, hypertension, epilepsy or migraine (or a history of these conditions) have to be observed, since androgens may rarely make salt also liquid maintenance, skeletal metastases, since androgens may induce hypercalcaemia or hypercalciuria in these men. 

    Androgens have to be taken carefully in pre-pubertal boys to avoid premature epiphyseal closure or precocious sexual development. A decrease in protein bound iodine (PBI) can occur, but this hasn't clinical importance. 

    Long term checking should contain measurement of hemoglobin. 

    This drug contains Arachis oil (peanut oil) also has to not be administrated by patients known to be sensitive to peanut. As there is a possible relationship between sensitive reaction to peanut also sensitive reaction to Soya, patients with Soya sensitivity should as well avoid Sustamed (Sustanon). 

    Women-to-men transsexual supportive cure: 

    Before initiating this drug for female-to-male transsexuals, specialist assessment must be accepted, including psychiatric valuation. A complete private also health history has to be analyzed. During therapy, periodic check-ups are recommended of a regularity and nature adapted to the individual. The following should be observed: 

    - signs of osteoporosis, 

    - changes in lipid profile. 


    In patients with a personal or family history of breast tumor and with a personal history of endometrial cancer, vigilant checking should be started. 

    Subject to specialist guidance, hysterectomy also bilateral oophorectomy has to be considered after 18-24 months of testosterone treatment, to reduce the possible increased danger of endometrial as well ovarian tumor. 


    SUSTABOL 300 Unwanted responses: 

    Sustamed (Sustanon), similar all different testosterones, is strong anabolic also as a consequence, the unwanted responses of quite high compared to its androgenic counterparts. Androgenic undesirable symptoms such as: 

    - hair loss, 

    - prostate hypertrophy, 

    - deepening of the voice are possible with the use of this remedy, as well as related estrogenic negative symptoms such as gynecomastia also water maintenance. 


    The following unwanted consequnces have been associated with androgen therapy in general: 

    - In pre-pubertal boys, mature sexual change, an bigger rate of erections, phallic development and premature epiphyseal closure; 

    - Priapism also other signs of extreme sexual stimulation; 

    - Water and sodium retention; 

    - Oligospermia and a low ejaculatory volume. 


    Therapy should be interrupted till these effects have disappeared, after which it must be continued at a lower dosing. 

    Hoarseness of the voice may be the first symptom of vocal change which can lead to permanent lowering of the voice. If signs of virilisation develop, particularly lowering of the voice, management has to be stopped unless the reactions are desired therapy outcomes. 

    The following negative effects have also been observed: 

    - bad skin 

    - disorders of liver function 

    - polycythemia 

    - hypertension 

    - mass increase (in female-to-male transsexuals) 


    SUSTABOL 300 Extradose: 

    The serious intramuscular toxicity of Sustamed (Sustanon) is very low. Priapism in males is a reaction of long overdosage. If this observes, it treatment has to be interrupted and, after vanishing of the result, be recommended at a minim dosage. 



    - It is forbidden to store above 25 gr C 

    - It isn't allowed to refrigerate (or freeze) 

    - Keep the ampoules in the outer carton.



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