


Sale! Methandienone Tablets Swiss Remedies View larger

Methandienone Tablets Swiss Remedies


Subname: Methadienone 10mg

Contents: 10mg / tablet Methadienone (100tablets)

Chemical name: 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-l,4-androstadien-3-one l-Dehydro- 17a-methyltestosterone

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29 €

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    Methandienone oral therapeutic Use:
    This substance is used to reduce protein catabolism after burns, after severe operations, in infectious and feverish diseases. It is also combined with other medicines to treat osteoporosis. In women In the treatment of breast cancer, Addison's disease. In children, it is used for delayed growth in puberty and is also combined with other medicines to treat various chronic diseases.
    Methandienone oral description:
    Methandrostenolone (or also methandienone) is commonly known as Dianabol, an old trade name for Ciba for 5 mg methandrostenolone tablets. It is essentially a 17-alkylated testosterone derivative with a double bond between the 1st and 2nd carbon. It binds weakly to androgen receptors and therefore belongs to steroids called II. type. However, it compensates for the longer half-life and weak affinity for SHBG. Today, in the vast majority of cases, it is produced in oral (tablet) versions; injections are hardly used because Dianabol is still 17-alkylated. Launched in 1958, it has always been one of the most popular steroids. It was the very first steroid used by American athletes and was also the only commonly known steroid in the US until the 1970s. However, in 1982, Ciba stopped production because Methandienone oral was found that athletes were the only people who used it to a great extent. However, because her patent for this substance has already expired, it is now manufactured by other companies under different business names. Dianabol is currently used in medicine to treat loss of appetite and stimulate protein synthesis.

    Methandienone oral anabolic effects:
    Dianabol's popularity stems from its almost immediate and very strong anabolic effect. It is by far the most popular steroid used by athletes and many of them considered the best steroid ever made. Not in vain was referred to as "Breakfast Champions". Obviously, the high water retention is not a steroid suitable for drawing. However, it is excellent for gaining strength and muscle mass in a volume cycle, apparently the second in this effect behind Anadrol, but with less occurrence of side effects.
    Methandienone oral side effects:
    Although Dianabol differs from boldenone only by 17-carbon alkylation, its side effects are significantly stronger and are mainly seen at doses above 20-30 mg / day. Although its susceptibility to aromatization is weaker than testosterone, the estrogen 17-alpha methylestradiol formed is much more potent than estradiol. Water retention and high blood pressure are therefore quite common, even at low doses. Taking Nolvadex or Clomid minimizes these effects during the cycle. In addition, Dianabol is a 17-alpha alkylated compound that is quite toxic to the liver. Elevations in liver function tests occur at doses above 10 mg / day. Although taking Dianabol is associated with generally positive feelings of good mood, aggression may increase at high dosages (above 50 mg).
    Methandienone oral combination with:
    Dianabol (Methandienone oral) is excellent in combination with nandrolone and methenolone. Dianabol / Nandrolone is considered to be one of the most effective at all. It is known that Arnold Schwarzenegger loved the combination of Dianabol and Primobolan Depot. Dianabol / testosterone is quite common and very effective; however, it brings much more side effects. The combination of Dianabole with oxymetholone and stanozolol is not meaningful since it is the same type II steroid and Dianabol also strongly increases the oxymetholone liver toxicity. However, users believe that there is some synergy between Dianabol and stanozolol. The Dianabol / testosterone / stanozolol cycle is a relatively widespread combination for eager steroid novices. As a rule, Stanozolol is ranked at the end of the cycle as an enhancing agent, while Dianabol is used as a "kickstart" at the beginning.

    Methandienone oral dosage:
    Doctors usually prescribe 2.5-10 mg daily. Effective dosages in athletes typically range from 15-30 mg / day. Doses above 50-60 mg daily are already unreasonable, but there are known "athletes" who have taken up to 250 mg per day. These individuals should definitely make sure they donate a healthy liver donor in advance. Dianabol is not used by women because of its markedly androgenic effect. Realistically, only a maximum of 5 mg / day can be considered.

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