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The boys are used in conjunction with therapy aimed at accelerating growth and hypogonadism caused by a lack of androgens in women with certain forms of anemia.
The available information indicates that it is a means by which consumers of doping is abused as a pure volume anabolic-androgenic steroid. Its effects Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA allegedly surpasses the so-called. hardsteroidy (oxymetholone, trenbolone, methandienone), which are considered unique in the misuse aimed at increase of brute matter. It has strong androgenic effect with an Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA intense anabolic activity of high water retention,Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA increase muscle strength and excellent growth potential of a force are especially popular among consumers of doping.Testosterone Enanthate Reported are also excellent regenerative capacity,Testosterone Enanthate which is said to achieve high parameters that anyone who uses testosterone enanthate, after two or three hours after intense leg training without difficulty even say undergo training back. The above-mentioned states are also high napumpovanosti.Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA Abuse is the athletes who have long standing heavy workout suffer from chronic pain in joints and vertebrae to mitigate the pain is being manifested in the exercises.
For above-average results achieved by means of testosterone enanthate, however, must be paid in the form of an unusually rich negative characteristics. Means easily flavored, and consequently at the time of abuse are very common so. feminization symptoms (wrapping the fat in the hips, gynecomastia), sharply reduced endogenous testosterone production is a normal increase in blood pressure,Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA acne on the back, chest and arms, but are often picked up after discontinuation of the composition. Of course there is a decrease in spermatogenesis and points to uncontrollable aggression.Testosterone Enanthate Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA Interesting information is that its negative effect on the liver compared with oral steroids, but it is disproportionately lower.
Abused benefits:
Testosterone Enanthate Although it is a long-acting depot composition effect 2-3 weeks,Testosterone Enanthate doping consumers prefer significantly shorter intervals between his administration. The available information shows that the frequent combination of nearly all existing anabolic-androgenic steroids,Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA which allegedly are always covered by the "right" receptors guaranteeing the desired effect of doping consumers. Weekly benefits are in the range 250-1000 mg,Testosterone Enanthate once daily amount of Testosteronum Prolongatum JELFA abuse does not exceed 500 mg.
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