Zolpidem 10mg/20tbl View larger

Zolpidem 10mg/20tbl


Zolpidem 10mg/20tbl

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    ZOLPIDEM 10 mg

    film-coated tablets

    (Zolpidem tartrate)

    Read this leaflet carefully before taking this medicine.

    - Keep this leaflet in case you need to read it again.

    - If you have any further questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

    - This medicine has been prescribed for you. Do not pass it on to others. It may harm them, even if their symptoms are the same as yours.

    - If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.


    APO-Zolpidem is a medicine for sleep, which belongs to a group of medicines called benzodiazepine-like agents. It is used for short-term treatment of insomnia.

    APO-ZOLPIDEM is only used in severe sleep disorders that limit a patient or in case of serious problems caused by insomnia patients.


    Do not use APO-ZOLPIDEM 10 mg

    · If you are allergic / hypersensitive (/ a) to zolpidem or any other ingredients of APO-ZOLPIDEM.

    · If you have severe muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis).

    · If you have apnea syndrome during sleep (sleep apnea syndrome).

    · If you have severe breathing problems (respiratory insufficiency).

    · If you have severe liver problems.


    APO-ZOLPIDEM not be used in children and adolescents (aged 18 years).

    Take special care when using APO-ZOLPIDEM 10 mg is needed

    · If you belong to a group of elderly or debilitated patients.

    You will need you to take / and a lower dose (see Section 3, How to APO-ZOLPIDEM used). Zolpidem relaxes muscles. For this reason, older people are particularly at risk of falling and subsequent hip fracture if they woke up during the night.

    · If you suffer from renal insufficiency.

    Your body can excrete more zolpidem. Although no dose adjustment is required, caution is advised. Consult a doctor.

    · If you have long-term shortness of breath.

    Your breathing problems could be worse.

    · If you have excessively used / or drugs and alcohol.

    In this case you during treatment with zolpidem carefully monitored by a doctor because you should be able to develop physical and psychological dependence.

    · If you have severe liver disease.

    He did not / would you use zolpidem, or you may find some brain disease (encephalopathy). Consult a doctor.

    · If you suffer from delusions (psychosis, a mental disorder), depression or anxiety associated with depression, zolpidem should not be the only medicine that you take.



    Before you take APO-ZOLPIDEM:

    · It is important to know what is causing your insomnia.

    · It is necessary to treat the underlying disease.


    If the condition does not improve within 7-14 days, it may be indicative for the presence of psychological or physical illness that should be investigated. He / She should consult your doctor.


    You may develop physical and psychological dependence.

    This risk increases with dose and duration of treatment and is higher in patients who have previously consumed alcohol excessively or abuse drugs. If you develop a physical dependence, sudden discontinuation causes withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms).

    Failure of memory (amnesia)

    Zolpidem may cause memory loss (amnesia). Usually it occurs in a few hours after taking zolpidem. To reduce this risk to the minimum necessary to ensure uninterrupted sleep for 7-8 hours (see section 4, Possible side effects).

    Psychiatric and "paradoxical" reaction

    It is known that during the use of APO-ZOLPIDEM may experience the following symptoms: restlessness, inner restlessness, irritability, aggressiveness, delusion, anger, nightmares, hallucinations, psychosis, sleep walking, inappropriate behavior, worsening of sleep disorders or other behavioral disorders.

    However, if these symptoms, stop taking zolpidem and APO-see your doctor. These

    effects are more likely to occur in older people.

    Taking other medicines

    APO-ZOLPIDEM may affect other medicines. Likewise, other medicines may influence the effect of APO-ZOLPIDEM. With the use of APO-ZOLPIDEM simultaneously with the following medicines may feel increased drowsiness.

    APO-ZOLPIDEM can interact with:


    · Medicines for mental disorders (neuroleptics / antipsychotics such as clozapine or chlopromazin, antidepressants such as amitriptyline and clomipramine);

    · Other substances inducing sleep, such as nitrazepam, temazepam,

    · Anti-anxiety drugs (trakvilizéry, anxiolytics, sedatives, muscle relaxants) such as diazepam, oxazepam,

    · Strong painkillers (narcotic analgesics) such as codeine, morphine. You may discover a feeling of good mood (euphoria), which may result in the strengthening of psychological dependence

    · Muscle relaxants (drugs for muscle relaxation), such as baclofen

    · Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) such as phenytoin and phenobarbital,

    · Reducing the sensitivity to drugs (anesthetics), such as halothane or isoflurane

    · Medicines for allergies or the common cold, which cause sleepiness (sedative antihistamines) such as chlorphenamine.

    The effect of APO-ZOLPIDEM products can be reduced, which strongly influence the effect of certain liver enzymes such as rifampicin (a medicine used to treat tuberculosis, for example).

    Please informujt your doctor or pharmacist about all medicines you are taking or have recently taken / and more recently, including medicines that are available without a prescription.

    Taking APO-ZOLPIDEM 10 mg with food and drink

    During treatment with zolpidem is not recommended to drink alcohol as depressant effects may be present alcohol-amplified. This may affect your ability to drive and use machines.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    If you become pregnant or suspect that you might be pregnant, contact your doctor who will determine whether the treatment can be continued.

    APO-ZOLPIDEM should not be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding, especially during the first three months of pregnancy, as there is adequate data confirming the safety of zolpidem during pregnancy and lactation.

    However, if the benefit to the mother outweigh the risks to the child, the doctor may decide that you can take zolpidem. If the long-term zolpidem used during the last months of pregnancy, the infant after birth may experience withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms).

    APO-ZOLPIDEM in a small amount passes into breast milk and should not be used during breastfeeding.

    Ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine.

    Driving and using machines

    Do not use vehicles and equipment or machinery. Your ability to concentrate and react may be impaired during treatment with zolpidem. You may be tired / or have problems with memory, especially if you sleep / and long enough.

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