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GHRP-2 (also known as KP 102) is a synthetic hexapeptide growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP), which acts on the hypothalamus and the pituitary and thereby promoting growth hormone release with a slight stimulatory effect on prolactin, ACTH and cortisol. GHRP-2 is considered to be a real hGH secretagogue as stimulate the secretion of hGH own. Studies have shown that human growth hormone promotes active body mass and decreases adiposity (fat). It has been shown that GHRP2 very effectively stimulates the production of GH in individuals who participated in the research.
GHRP-2 causes growth of muscle mass and strength
GHRP-2 reduced the amount of body fat
GHRP-2 is a potent anti-aging effect - rejuvenating effects
GHRP-2 improves the condition of skin and hair, promotes collagen production
GHRP-2 brings good sleep, perfect regeneration and recovery of the body
GHRP-2 enhances immunity
GHRP-2 increases the stiffness of bone
GHRP-2 restores liver
GHRP-2 has anti-inflammatory effects
The idea dosing GHRP-2: subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, a dose of 1 mcg / 1 kg body weight, 3 times a day. If the main aim of the increase in strength and muscle mass, it is best to take GHRP-2 several times a day (3-4 doses) for anti-aging effect is substantial dose of GHRP-2 especially before bedtime.
It has a short half-life, maximum concentration at approximately 15 minutes and not more than 60 minutes after administration.
GHRP can be used alone or in combination with growth hormone directly. Both methods provide good results. The use of GHRP-2 or GHRP-6, together with the injection of growth hormone in particular to ensure that, despite injections and supply of growth hormone in the body outside, the body will still continue to produce endogenous growth hormone.
Storage conditions: 2-8 degrees Celsius (refrigerator).
Use of GHRP-2 as secretagogue growth hormone (GHS) has been studied extensively. Scientists have discovered that growth hormone releasing peptide 2 increases the production of natural growth hormone (GH). Early 90s took place one of the most famous studies, which later in 1997, published in the journal of endocrinology and metabolism Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. This study substantiate the theory that growth factors releasing peptides (GHRP including ipamorelínu a-6) may help children and adults with growth hormone deficiency. After these great scientific studies began GHRP-2 produced in large quantities. And other scientific laboratories confirmed the results of their studies suggest that GHRP-2 can really help those who lack the ability to produce adequate human growth hormone. When taking GHRP-2, however, the results will differ, because individuals respond differently based on somatotropic pituitary cells and the different subtypes GHRP receptors. In the physiological effects of the system are blocked angatonistami GRF receptors that function via receptor difference as that earlier occupied GHRP.
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