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    IGF-1 can stimulate hyperplasia - the growth of new cells. Due to its high - the anabolic properties of IGF-1 won deservedly and rightly so great popularity especially among bodybuilders and athletes as an effective means of stimulating the growth of muscle mass and strength, and the conversion of fat into energy. IGF-1 consists of 83 amino acids, it's basically the most powerful anabolic hormone present in the body.

    IGF-1 LR3 is an improved version of the synthetic IGF-1 prolonged. Its comparison with the effects of endogenous IGF-1 produced in the body by the liver, however, remains unclear and at this point, many bodybuilders opinions diverge: While one say about the excellent effects of IGF-1 LR3, others refer to them as weak. In general the rule is that the results of the use of AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids) combined with the IGF-1 LR3 more stable.

    IGF-1 has a very strong anabolic effects and stimulates the metabolism of amino acids in the body - increased protein synthesis, increased synthesis of RNA, promotes fat metabolism and transport of glucose, reduce protein breakdown. IGF-1 LR3 is particularly suited for building massive new muscle mass.

    The Main Benefits If IGF-1LR3 BIO-PEPTIDE

    IGF-1 has potent anabolic effects (effectively helps to build new muscle mass and significantly increases protein synthesis)

    IGF-1 Has A Strong Anti-Catabolic Effects

    IGF-1 is able to induce hyperplasia - a real growth of new muscle cells and fibers!

    IGF-1 is not detectable in doping controls

    IGF-1 promotes rapid and strong recovery

    IGF-1 causes the overall regeneration of all tissues in the body

    What Is IGF-1LR3 BIO-PEPTIDE Dosage For Maximum Effect?

    The optimal and safe dose IGF LR3 is 50-150 micrograms a day, 7 days a week, doporúčaná cycle time of 2-4 weeks. IGF-1 LR3 remains active in the body for about one day.

    Storage conditions: 2-8 degrees Celsius (refrigerator).


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